Savers Application & Careers


Savers began as a thrift store in San Fransisco, California in 1954. Today, the company has become an internationally recognized thrift retailer managing multiple brands in over three hundred and thirty retail locations across the United States as well as in Canada and Australia.

The retailer functions through buying lightly used clothing, accessories, and household items and reselling them. A large part of the company also focuses on recycling used products to aid charitable organizations. The thrift store believes in its company’s mission to maximize economic prosperity on product that already exists, avoiding excessive manufacturing altogether.

The retailer estimates that their model of recycling used clothes has prevented more than six hundred million pounds of goods from ending up in landfills per year. Savers is also committed to helping several nonprofit organizations in their efforts to better communities around the world. Used clothes regularly get sent to impoverished countries from the retailer or sent overseas to provide product for local marketplaces. The distribution of goods fuels economic stability by creating jobs and basic supply and demand capital.

Savers encourages those in their local communities to lead their own donation drives, asking neighbors and friends to donate their unwanted goods to then be sold in a mass collection to the thrift store in exchange for money to fund their cause. The company offers to help drive-leaders promote their efforts with flyers and tips to see the most profitable results possible. The thrift store assesses the donation value by weight. The company has built a charitable business model that provides goods to communities without causing environmental strain associated with reliance on production.

Savers Interview Questions

What makes you think you would do well at this job? You are being asked to match your skills to the qualities needed to do the job. You should prepare by researching what the employer is looking for in the candidate and analysing how you would fit in. Start by matching your skills and strengths to the competences required in the job description.

What do you find irritating about your co-workers? Before answering this question you need to seem to be being giving it quite a lot of thought. The question is designed to assess whether you are a team player or not, so think long and hard but fail to come up with an example. A short response is best.

What motivates you to give your best at work? This question should be answered very carefully as it speaks volumes about you on many different levels, not only in your work life but also about you as a person. This includes your ambitions, skills, personality, enthusiasm, expectations and how you generally think. Think about what gets you up in the morning and what you enjoy about your job.

What would your colleagues say about you? You shouldn’t say that everyone thinks that you are a joy to work with, but you should be able to give a few positive examples of people that enjoyed working with you, along with an explanation of why. If you are able to, use a relevant anecdote from a co-worker.

Are you more motivated by money or work? You need to be diplomatic as opposed to choosing one of the given options. If you choose work then you may lose out in pay negotiations. If you choose money then they may doubt your commitment. Tell them that work and money are both important in order to achieve success.

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